![]() My favorite palette knife(respectfully referred to as, "Timex") that I have used for the past 30 years(and I can't believe its been that long!), broke during Tuesday's painting class while mixing a color. I was stunned to see it in two pieces. This trusted friend was just the right shape and size for mashing the hues together on the surface of the palette and it fit my hand comfortably. It has helped me capture Glimpses of His Glory all along my journey. The initial thought of having to use a different one was not exciting for me. It can be replaced but will be missed, for I have looked for others just like it for some time without success. Luckily, the class takes place at Art Creations art supply store, so a suitable replacement was not far away, and I found one similar to my old friend so that I could continue painting. I'm sure it will not take long to adjust to the feel of the new one, but Praises of Gratitude in respect for the longevity of "Timex". "For I am already being poured out as a drink offering and the time of my departure has come. I fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:6-7
![]() We wrestled with a slice of cherry pie in painting class this week! Most weeks we attempt to complete our paintings the day we start them, but we bit off more than we could chew in one day for this composition, so it was continued & completed during this Tuesday's class. My first attempt was, as my son used to say in middle school, "an EPIC failure"! The color mixtures were not correct, the composition was boring, the canvas surface was too overloaded with gesso covering up another undesirable creation, it was just a "bad brush bristle" day for this artist. On the bright side(no pun intended, bright is what a flat artist's paint brush is called), the joy of acrylic paint is that you can just paint over what you do not like without a lot of waiting time, and try again. You get a do-over. Isn't that a Glimpse of His Glory. We get a do-over, everyday, for me sometimes every hour and minute. A free of charge chance to try again. That IS as easy as pie. "...we're a free people--free of penalties and punishments chalked up by our misdeeds. And not just barely free, either. Abundantly free!..." Ephesians 1:7(The Message) P.S. One of the regulars has a wonderful sense of humor, and brought to class a made from scratch cherry pie for all of us to enjoy as we painted. She said that, "at least if her painting of pie did not turn out, she knew her baked pie did". And it was FABULOUS! Both her painting and the one she baked. I was given what was left to bring home to share with my family. I cannot tell a lie, I hid the last piece so that I could enjoy it with coffee this morning. ![]() We can choose to begin each day one of two ways, on a sweet note or on a sour one. It is a choice. No matter what this day may have in store, choosing gratitude & joy will always be more productive than the alternative. If the day seems sour as lemons, look for the zest, even if you have to scrape it off. A glimpse of His Glory is not far away. "This is the day which the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 ![]() Bright magenta is not the color one would expect to see painted where the sky should be. Sometimes to get the desired color in a landscape sky, the artist applies a "ground" color that will enhance the paint later laid on top of that foundation. When an artist attempts to capture a glimpse of His Glory, the depths of The Creator's pigments, hues, values, & tones are beyond description and an unbelievable Joy to try to reproduce. "...You, Lord, laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of Your hands;..." Hebrews 1:10 |